UDK 338.23 Особые области экономической политики
This article comprises the analyzes of the main trends concerning the development of military-industrial policy of the EU after the official launch of Russia's special military operation on the territory of Ukraine. Over the past decades the role of supranational governance structures has been constantly increasing in the EU, thus the trend of coordinating the military-industrial policy of the EU member states is sustainable. The author noted the influence of the USA and NATO on the EU. Such a statement determines consequently the key directions of the military-industrial complex development of the EU member countries. Furthermore, the author indicated the experienced by the EU problems hindering the Union to increase the production of weapons and military equipment for their subsequent supply to Ukraine. At the same time, the USA highly recommend the EU to prepare for arms supplies not only on the territory of Ukraine, but also to Taiwan. Therefore, in December 2023 the European Commission has developed and submitted some proposals concerning the strategy of the defense industry of the EU. Such a policy means that the European military-industrial complex will be phased out of the responsibility of national governments and will be regulated by EU governance structures. Despite the measures taken to develop defense production and increase exports to third countries, the leading EU states are gradually being displaced from various world regions, including African continent. Such a phenomenon is taking place due to the increasing role of the countries of the Global South in the world economy and politics, and also thanks to their rejection of anti-Russian sanctions and pervasive restrictions. Finally the author concludes that the implementation of EU initiatives in the sphere of defense production largely depends on the current global conjuncture, which makes the military-industrial policy of the European Union situational and difficult to predict.
military-industrial policy, the European Union, the European Commission, the military-industrial complex, weapons and military equipment
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