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Abstract (English):
In the last of the series of three articles on ethics in business, the author notes that there are various models and tools that help managers make professional decisions and which tend to focus on the functional needs of the manager, but do not take into account the moral and ethical aspect. Based on suggestions from other thinkers studying this topic and his own professional experience, the author formulates a model of decision-making in situations of ethical uncertainty. The author offers specific tools that help, first of all, to determine the presence of an ethical dilemma in the problem facing a manager and then steps that will allow him to make an ethically verified decision. However, the author does not stop there and notes that often managers, understanding which decision is ethical, nevertheless act differently, succumbing to moral weakness. The author analyzes the reasons for this behavior and gives advice on how to overcome it at the team level and at the personal level of a particular person. This model and the issues of its application are novel in this branch of thought and provide new tools in the hands of business leaders. In conclusion, the author concludes that in our time, when fears of replacing humans with artificial intelligence have become especially high, decisions regarding the moral component of the activities of companies will certainly remain one of the few prerogatives of a human person.

decision making, model, morality, ethics, moral weakness, moral liberation, management
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