Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The state and prospects for the development of the transport and logistics system, including its infrastructure and digital information support, directly affect the economy and society of countries and regions. In this regard, the issues of analyzing the interaction of transport, logistics and socio-economic systems and developing effective solutions for managing territories based on such analysis become relevant. At the same time, modern capabilities for processing Big Data to obtain multidimensional models of dependencies between various aspects and indicators of socio-economic systems of regions are of particular interest. The article carried out a systematic analysis of the problems of the functioning and development of transport; the effectiveness of transport planning and management processes was analyzed. The main provisions and approaches for assessing the impact of transport on the surrounding social system, limited territorially and administratively, are presented. A systematic analysis of the characteristics of the functioning and development of transport and the non-transport effect of improving transport services to consumers was carried out.

transport and logistics system, digital economy, sustainable development, system dynamics, development of the region, indicators of transport provision in the region
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