Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents an overview of the land control conducted on the territory of the Ukhta municipal district, which is part of the Komi Republic. Municipal land control is a framework that ensures the use of land and land plots, as interpreted by Russian legislation. The bodies whose powers include control over the use of land and land plots within the boundaries of a municipality are the regulatory instrument for the activities of individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. In accordance with the current legislation, risk management during municipal land control and the assessment system on the territory of the Ukhta municipal district is not applied. When implementing municipal land control, records are kept of land control objects owned by the Ukhta municipal District, state ownership of which is not delimited. According to the Regulation, the types of preventive measures are established on the territory of the Ukhta municipal district: generalization of law enforcement practice, informing, consulting, preventive visit, announcement, warning. The results of law enforcement practice are displayed in the annual report, which is subject to approval by the head of the Ukhta municipal district and is posted on the official portal of the administration. Based on the analysis, the main problems in municipal land control in the territory of the Komi Republic have been identified: insufficient technical support, lack of authorized bodies and officials to carry out land control measures, low level of regulation in municipal legal acts, limited capabilities of the inspector. To solve the considered problems, a number of recommendations are proposed: proper technical support, amendments to the legislative framework on the issue of expanding the powers of the municipal inspector, professional development of inspectors, differentiation of responsibilities of municipal and state land control.

municipal land control, Komi Republic, land plot, local governments, scheduled inspection, inspector, protocol
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