Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the influence of cultural factors on the economic system in the modern world. The study draws attention to how the cultural characteristics of different peoples shape their approaches to economic activity, having a significant impact on such aspects as the organizational structure of enterprises, production methods, attitudes to labor and resources, as well as management practices. The authors analyze the differences in cultural approaches to business and economic activity in different countries, paying attention to the influence of historical, religious, ethnic and social factors on the formation of these approaches. Special attention is paid to cross-cultural differences in business management and decision-making, as well as to the influence of cultural stereotypes on the development of technology and innovation. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural factors when developing business management and development strategies in a global context, as well as the need to adapt strategies to local cultural characteristics in order to achieve success in global markets.

management system, cultural factors, influence, decision-making, business, local cultural characteristics
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