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Abstract (English):
Assessment of land quality from the standpoint of the expediency of their use for various types of land, being an obligatory stage of land management work to involve unused land in circulation, and largely determines the effectiveness of the entire complex of works. A balanced ecological and economic justification for the solution of the problem of establishing indicators of soil suitability for arable land, which meets modern economic conditions of agricultural production, is proposed to be carried out according to the criterion of ensuring reproductive processes. This should take into account not only the parameters of fertility, the indicator of which is the normative yield of grain, as well as the economic conditions of land use in the form of a ratio of prices for agricultural products and production resources, characteristics of transport accessibility. Using the example of the St. Petersburg municipal district of the Saratov region, the complex influence of economic factors, the level of soil fertility and transport accessibility on the total area of arable land in the district meeting the conditions of profitable production is shown. In particular, the reduction in the price of grain sales from 13 to 12 thousand rubles/ton at existing prices for production resources (60 rubles/l for diesel fuel), the area of arable land in the district that does not meet the conditions of profitable production increases from 31.4 to 130.9 thousand hectares, which corresponds to the share of arable land in the district of 16.5 and 68.8%.

arable land, soil difference, standard yield, selling price, transport accessibility, rental income, suitability category
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