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Abstract (English):
In modern conditions, it becomes necessary to improve a complex system of anti-erosion measures in connection with the development of erosion processes that have arisen as a result of the intensification and commercialization of agricultural production. According to various estimates, in the Nizhniy Novgorod region, the area of eroded lands ranges from 141.02 thousand hectares to 667.6 thousand hectares or from 5.2% to 24.7% of the area of agricultural land [1, 2, 3]. The main negative as-pect of the manifestation of water erosion on arable soils is a decrease in soil fertility and crop yields. It should be noted that erosion processes in the region are developing unevenly. The development of water erosion of the Right Bank is facilitated by the geological structure of the area, the hilly–rocky type of relief and the high ploughing of the territory. The article presents the results of solving the economic and mathematical problem of planning anti-erosion measures in an agricultural enterprise located in the Right-bank part of the Nizhniy Novgorod region. It is shown that due to the implementation of the project of anti-erosion organization of the territory, soil fertility will significantly increase, and the net income from increasing the economic efficiency of production in the agricultural firm will amount to 212.6 million rubles, which is 41% higher than income without carrying out a complex of anti-erosion measures.

anti-erosion organization of the territory, increasing soil fertility, a set of anti-erosion measures, economic efficiency of production, wind and water erosion, crop rotation, economic and mathematical methods and models
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