Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The scientific article, a theoretical review of domestic literature on issues and peculiarities of managing grain production, as well as enhancing the efficiency of the grain product sub-complex within the framework of agro-industrial production, has been conducted. An analysis of grain production was carried out. Issues related to increasing yield and gross harvest, which depend on many factors of both controllable and uncontrollable genesis, were examined. The development of the livestock industry and enterprises of the processing industry, the introduction of abandoned lands into circulation, based on the program for the development of the agricultural complex (APK) and the grain sector of the Perm Krai, as well as their mutual dependence, were identified. Management of the structure of sown areas, costs, based on developed agrobiotechnologies adapted to competitive grain crop production, will allow increasing the industry's efficiency. The targeted use of wheat grain in terms of industrial sectors was considered, and indicators of yield increase and costs affecting winter wheat were presented. A model assessment of the economic efficiency of winter wheat production was made based on the proposed influencing factors.

grain, quality, cultures, expenses, factors of influence, management, efficiency
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