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Abstract (English):
Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is a key theme in the field of entrepreneurial research, having a profound impact on the development and success of businesses. This paper utilizes a textual analysis approach to comprehensively review the literature on EO, examining the concept from three aspects: the conceptualization of EO, the construction of measurement scales, and empirical research findings. We find that there is debate within the academic community regarding the definition and dimensional structure of EO, the construction and choice of measurement scales, and the mechanisms and moderating factors linking EO to business performance, with no comprehensive consensus achieved. This lack of consensus provides a rich field of options for future theoretical and empirical research on EO. Future studies should focus on achieving theoretical consistency and establishing a dominant academic discourse, while also recommending the integration of alternative measurement tools and improved analytical methods to expand the scope and depth of empirical research. This will enrich the development of EO theory and its application across various economic and social domains.

Entrepreneurial Orientation, textual analysis, concept, scale, company performance
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