Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Neoliberalism, as an ideology, influences various industries and regions in Russia to varying degrees. In industry regions, this influence can be especially pronounced, given the specifics of economic activity and socio-economic conditions. That is why it is important to take into account and measure the positive and negative impact of neoliberal policies in relation to regions with single-industry specialization. This article examines the impact of neoliberal ideology on the socio-economic development of the raw material regions of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the basic principles of neoliberalism and their impact on economic policy, especially in the context of regions dependent on the extraction and export of natural resources, is carried out. To achieve the purpose of the study, qualitative and quantitative methods were used, including the analysis of official statistical data, a literary review and expert assessments. The article examines the changes in the economic structure, standard of living and social sphere of these regions under the influence of neoliberal reforms. Special attention is paid to the growth of social inequalities, the deterioration of working and living conditions of the population. The results of the conducted research can be used for the development and successful implementation of subsequent programs for the development of raw materials regions. The article offers recommendations on adjusting economic policy in order to mitigate the negative effects of neoliberal principles on raw material regions and increase sustainable socio-economic development.

neoliberalism, neoliberal ideology, sectoral regions, economic growth factors
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