Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The demographic situation in Russia requires close attention and analysis due to the relevance and significance of the socio–economic consequences. The article examines the problem of the demographic crisis in modern Russia. The current causes of the demographic crisis and the decline in the birth rate are considered. The socio–economic consequences of a decrease in the population and a decrease in the birth rate are revealed. The data on the dynamics of the population, fertility, and mortality in Russia are presented. The forecast of the birth rate in Russia is given, the dynamics of the total birth rate in the period from 1960 to 2023 is studied. The necessity and directions of developing additional measures aimed at overcoming the demographic crisis are substantiated. The goals, objectives, and directions of the national project "Demography" are presented. In addition, measures of state support for young families aimed at increasing the birth rate were considered.

fertility, mortality, demographic crisis, demography, population, life expectancy
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