Russian Federation
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
UDK 001.891 Научно-исследовательские работы. Методы исследований
The article presents the results of research into the problems and prospects of digitalization of Russia's agro-industrial complex in the context of international sanctions. Within the framework of the theoretical section, it was established that the digitalization of enterprises in the sphere of agro-industrial complex is implemented on the basis of one of the three main models: pure producer; "from field to counter; agro-industrial ecosystem "from field to fork". The Russian model of AIC digitalization has a number of specific features: the full participation of the state in the digitalization processes, which both allows it to retain control over the industry and simultaneously narrows the possibilities of free choice of digital transformation trajectories for the business itself; the strategic position of state high-tech corporations, which de facto have a competitive advantage in state tenders and, accordingly, draw a large share of financing for the digitalization of the industry; the model of digitalization of the agricultural sector, which is based on the state's control over the industry. In the author's opinion, the main prospects for the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the impact of international technological sanctions, are: encouraging large agricultural holdings to develop corporate programs of financial support for agrotech start-ups; the formation of a national database on projects of digitalization of business processes in the agro-industrial complex in the main categories: precision farming, smart farm, farm management systems, automation of sowing and disease control; the introduction of a system of tax incentives and other preferences (e.g., the availability of preferential loans for agro-industrial complexes); the introduction of a system of tax breaks and other preferences (e.g., the use of tax-free loans for agro-industrial complexes). revision of curricula in agrarian universities of the country with the addition of disciplines orienting future specialists to work with digital technologies.
agritech, agriculture, ecosystem, digital technology, smart farm
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