Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article characterizes the macroeconomic indicators potentially determining the success of public-private partnerships; it argues that the mechanism of this partnership makes it possible to implement large-scale infrastructure projects with minimal budgetary investments; such partnerships are examined using specific examples implemented in Russia; it is substantiated that in cooperation with PPP the state receives a ready-made project with minimal investments, and the saved funds can be used for other needs; it is concluded that the absolutisation of factors that give advantages in the implementation of PPP projects does not lead to the necessary level of efficiency; despite all the massive advertising at the level of PPP operators who solve the problem of placing the resources provided to them - this is largely due to the fact that the ability to achieve effective project performance is realized in a stable institutional environment, rather than in a better but dynamically developing one.

public-private partnership, investments, budgetary investments, efficiency, contracts, macroeconomic environment, money, legislative factors
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