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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Within the boundaries of the Don glacial tongue development within the Middle Russian forest-steppe province, conditions for sulfate and chloride accumulation, which can lead to soil salinization, are formed on poorly drained watersheds in conditions of groundwater level close to the surface. Methodology. On the basis of materials presented in reports on hydrogeological surveys (pre-study) of scale 1:200000 and carried out within the limits of the Central Russian forest-steppe province the analysis of hydrochemical features of polygenetic aquifer, in particular the content of sulfates and chlorides in groundwater was carried out. The northern part of the hydrogeological survey sheets according to physiographic zoning belong to the northern forest-steppe subzone, and the southern part of the sheets is the southern forest-steppe subzone. The difference of indicators of the main climatic parameters between m. st. Tambov and m. st. Liski is: - by annual precipitation 125 mm (560 - 435 mm); - by mean annual temperatures - 1.3 0C (5.0 - 6.3) ; - by mean monthly temperatures of January - - 2.1 0C (-10.9 - - -8.8); - by mean monthly temperatures of July - + 1.4 0C (19.8 - 21.2). The analyzed samples were taken from relatively water-bearing lower-upper Quaternary polygenetic horizon. Sulfate and chloride content was analyzed for 620 samples, of which 385 samples were taken from the northern part of the study area (north of the forest-steppe) and 235 samples from the southern part (south of the forest-steppe). Results and discussion. The increased content of sulfates and chlorides in the lower-upper quaternary polygenetic horizon in the southern part of the Central Russian forest-steppe province is explained by the influence of zonal climatic factors: mean annual temperature and amount of precipitation. Samples of sulfate and chloride contents have significant positive asymmetry, therefore, when characterizing the lower-upper Quaternary polygenetic horizon, their concentrations should be estimated not by mean, but by median values.

forest-steppe, climatic factors, sulfates, chlorides, probability distribution density
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