Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the use of biofilters in industry in order to effectively reduce emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Biofilters are devices in which biological purification of polluted air takes place with the help of microorganisms capable of disposing of harmful substances. The main components of biofilters are a filter material, a microbiological consortium and a gas-air mixture supply and distribution system. The paper analyzes various types of biofilters, such as bulk, cellular, membrane and bioscrubbers, as well as their design features and principles of operation. Research materials and methods include the analysis of literature data, conducting experimental studies at laboratory facilities and industrial facilities, as well as mathematical modeling of biofiltration processes. During the experiments, the influence of various parameters such as temperature, humidity, pH of the medium, concentration of pollutants and specific gas load on the efficiency of CO and CO2 removal was studied. The research results have shown that under optimal conditions, biofilters are able to provide a degree of air purification from CO and CO2 at the level of 95-99%. Using the example of a biofilter installed at a metallurgical plant, a reduction in CO emissions from 1500 mg/m3 to 30 mg/m3 and CO2 from 10% vol. to 0.5% vol. was demonstrated. It is also noted that the use of biofilters can significantly reduce operating costs compared to traditional methods of gas purification, such as catalytic oxidation and absorption. The results obtained indicate the prospects of using biofilters to solve the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the environmental situation in industrial regions.

biofilter, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, gas purification, microorganisms, biodegradation, industrial emissions
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