Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article develops the theoretical foundations of international trade in arms and military equipment. An analysis and generalization of the main provisions of numerous foreign and domestic studies on the justification and development of approaches and methods for solving this scientific problem was carried out. The author's version of the theoretical foundations of international trade in arms, military equipment and other types of military products (hereinafter referred to as military products), including all the main system-forming components of their classical structural composition, has been developed. The definition of the content of the concept of the global world market for international trade in arms, military equipment and other types of military equipment is formulated; the regional structure, main subjects, objects and functions of this market are given. The composition of the military weapons established by the UN GA Register of Conventional Arms (UNROCA) adopted in 1991 is outlined. The author has developed and proposed the author's conceptual political-economic paradigm of this process, which assumes its cyclical functioning with the passage of two periods within each cycle, correlating with the main categories of the philosophical law of unity and struggle of opposites, and the content of each period is revealed. The main types of international trade in arms, military equipment and other military equipment are given, the patterns, principles, main trends and features of the functioning of this process, its international legal regulation and the main indicators of trade turnover for 2014-2022 are identified. In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized, which together ensure the formation of a system of new scientific knowledge about international trade in arms, military equipment and other military equipment as a scientific and methodological basis for the subsequent development of scientific problems in this subject area.

international trade in arms, military equipment and other types of military equipment, patterns, principles, trends and features of international trade in arms, military equipment and other types of military equipment
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