UDK 336 Финансы. Банковское дело. Деньги и денежное обращение
Small and medium-sized businesses are one of the main elements of a market economy. The article examines the importance and role of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Russian economy. Data on the structure, number, and share of employees in small and medium-sized businesses in various sectors of the economy are presented. Regions with high and low levels of employment in SMEs are shown. The article substantiates the need and examines the current directions of state support for small and medium-sized businesses at the current stage of development of the Russian economy. In the scientific article, the authors investigated the features of state support for small and medium-sized businesses under the conditions of sanctions pressure. The measures of state support aimed at stimulating the creation of new and the development of existing enterprises are considered. The main programs, tools, criteria, and ways to obtain state support for small and medium-sized businesses at the federal and regional levels are presented.
government support, economics, small and medium-sized enterprises, sanctions, subsidies, grant support
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5. Sheyhova M.S., Safonova S.G. Tendencii razvitiya malogo predprinimatel'stva agrarnogo sektora v usloviyah sankcionnyh ogranicheniy // Moskovskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal. 2023.T.8. № 1
6. Sheyhova M.S., Safonova S.G. Analiz gosudarstvennoy podderzhki malogo biznesa v usloviyah social'nogo davleniya. // Sheyhova M.S., Safonova S.G. Moskovskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal. 2023. T. 8. № 2.
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8. Sheyhova, M. S. Analiz gosudarstvennoy podderzhki malogo biznesa v usloviyah sankcionnogo davleniya / Sheyhova M.S., Safonova S.G. // Moskovskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal. 2023. T. 8. № 2.
9. Oficial'nyy sayt Ministerstva ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federacii http://www.economy.gov.ru
10. Oficial'nyy sayt Federal'noy sluzhby gosudarstvennoy statistiki http://www.gks.ru
11. Oficial'nyy sayt CB RF http://www.cbr.ru
12. RBK (RosBiznesKonsalting) - rossiyskiy media-holding, sayt SMI https://www.rbc.ru/