Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the implementation of innovative solutions in terms of the level of economic development of the enterprise. The economic situation in Russia is that in our country need to import substitution, especially in the food industry. Of course, in some segments of the food industry an appropriate process can go more or less in the market conditions, and in some cases these processes will occur due to administrative factors. Thus, import substitution in the Russian food enterprises can pass under both scenarios, depending on the type of business and market segments in which the enterprise operates. The current financial condition of the company is largely determined by the quality of the marketing strategy of the firm. Therefore, the analysis of the financial condition of the company should start with an analysis of the factors that affect the movement of goods and services from producer to consumer. Marketing innovations are realized through competition and competitiveness. Periodically, the company offers its products to the market, taking advantage of the new ways and means of trying to increase consumer interest, to push the demand to reduce the cost per unit of output. Thus, they set in motion new forces that alter the conditions of competition and the position of firm-competitors.

import substitution, farmers, the embargo, the new industrialization of the food industry, pricing and controlling

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