Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A parametric model is proposed for studying vortex stationary flow in fittings as bends and tees. Water is considered as the pumped medium, which does not reduce the generality of the solution. The user can change the density and viscosity of the medium independently. For tee it is established that it causes a significant drop in the flow rate of water. At the same time, if the lateral branch pipe has slightly higher pressure than the second outlet, the ordinary tee can operate as a vacuum pump. The analysis is carried out by means of FLOTRAN CFD program ANSYS 10 ED. The technique can be applied to any design of fittings associated with the calculation of the motion of a viscous incompressible fluid. The solution of this problem allows us to estimate the size of the regions in which the flow is decelerated and to correct the design documentation.

ANSYS, FLOTRAN, Fluid viscosity, vortex flow, stationary flow, incompressible fluid, parametric modeling, ANSYS, FLOTRAN

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