Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the creation of corporate culture as a tool of strategic development of the organization aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the organization. The corporate culture of the organization determines the vector of its development, makes it possible to resolve the issue of personal goals with a common goal of the organization, creates a common cultural space that includes norms, values and behavioral models agreed with all employees. Corporate culture can have a greater impact on the success of an organization than other factors. Strong corporate cultures develop rational decision - making, form the basis of cooperation on trust, have an informal impact on young workers, developing their personal and professional qualities. The scale of corporate culture is determined by the firmness and quantity of the main views and beliefs accepted by employees. Cultures with many levels of beliefs and values have a significant impact on organizational behavior. Some cultures clearly share employee values, beliefs, and beliefs.

corporate culture, common cultural space, corporate behavior, competitiveness, dominant culture, subculture, social effect, economic effect

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