Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article examines the process of import substitution in the field of aircraft construction in Russia. Object: The purpose of this study is to analyze the current situation in the market of air transport services for the production of domestic aircraft and to develop tactical measures to improve the process of import substitution in the field of aircraft construction in Russia. Findings: Based on the analysis, it should be noted that the current import substitution strategy, which is currently operating in Russia, shows a serious dependence in the aircraft industry sector. Consequently, there are serious problems in the formation of domestic corporations and the creation of competitive products. Russia in the aviation industry sector shows a high proportion of import dependence and the existing serious problems of aircraft maintenance, the solution of which is relevant and should be reflected in the transformed strategy in the field of aircraft construction in Russia. Conclusions: Thus, summing up the results of the conducted research on the issue of import substitution in the field of aircraft engineering, it is worth noting that the proposed set of tactical measures and assigned tasks between the main participants in the import substitution process will create conditions for its successful implementation. Therefore, targeted financing and state support for projects to develop the country's production potential, the implementation of measures to create research laboratories based on universities and research centers, training and support of specialists, motivation of young scientists, as well as the creation and modernization of engineering centers, whose tasks will be the development and implementation of modern technologies not only in the aircraft industry, but in and into Russia's largest industrial sector, as well as in a number of other industries, it will allow improving the import substitution process in Russia. Thus, the proposed activities.

aircraft construction, investments, innovative projects, tactical measures
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