UDK 338.32 Производственные мощности. Использование производственных мощностей. Эксплуатация производственных мощностей
The relevance of this study is due to the following circumstances. Successful human capital management is the basis for solving strategic tasks of regional development, since it is the availability of qualified and motivated personnel necessary for successful professional activity that ensures the effective development of the region's economy. It is also known that investments aimed at improving public health have a significant impact on the dynamics of changes in the gross regional product. In this regard, it seems necessary to assess the state of the processes of reproduction of human capital in the region on the example of such a subject of the Russian Federation as the Republic of Adygea. The analysis shows that the Republic of Adygea implements a regional policy aimed at ensuring the expanded reproduction of the territory's human capital. If there are a number of certain problems, it can be argued that it allows to ensure that the trained specialists meet the requirements imposed on them in the regional labor market.
region, human capital, educational capital of the population, reproduction of human capital
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