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Abstract (English):
The article considers the theoretical analysis of the concept of educational consulting in the paradigm of digital transformation of the economy. Attention is paid to the tasks facing teachers, the possibility of outsourcing some of them to independent specialists is determined. The place of consulting services in an educational institution is determined, the advantages and disadvantages of the work of third-party consultants of the organization are considered. All educational organizations operating in the Russian Federation at any level have a number of problems. The educational process is represented by several parties, including management, teachers who transfer their knowledge and professional experience, and students who, in turn, acquire this knowledge. Modern conditions of the external environment, social, economic and political transformations do not pass without a trace for the labor market, accordingly, the requirements for graduates have changed, who must have the necessary competencies, knowledge and skills to meet the needs of employers. In this regard, there is an urgent need to modernize the educational process, re-equip the material and technical base of the educational institution, improve educational and methodological documentation, financial and economic activities of the organization, delve into the psychological component of pedagogical work with students, and much more. In this case, the best option would be to involve an outside specialist, a consultant who, while maintaining independence and objectivity, will be able to increase the efficiency of the educational organization in a number of areas.

consulting, educational consulting, educational system, outsourcing, consulting services, digital transformation, remote work
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