UDK 728.1.012 Общее проектирование и расположение, координация размеров и т.п.
Materials, construction technology, layout of residential premises, and, as a consequence, the concept of comfort in the minds of citizens have changed significantly over the past thirty years. The predominant share of the housing stock has remained the same: in Russia there are a large number of old buildings with layouts that are irrelevant for today - according to the analysis of the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2022 in Russia as a whole there were 56.7 million square meters of housing in outdated apartment buildings, and by 2030 the increase in outdated housing will be 54 million square meters, by 2040 - 216 million m2. For comfortable housing, people are forced to organize redevelopment and (or) reconstruction. The idea of this work is to develop a mechanism for the implementation of standard solutions for redevelopment and (or) reconstruction in St. Petersburg. Such solutions can be developed for serial houses of the Soviet period, which will simplify and reduce the cost of the mechanism for coordinating work, as well as protect the housing stock of St. Petersburg from destruction caused by unauthorized redevelopment.
redevelopment, reconstruction, standard project, cadastre, utility networks, communications, buildings and structures
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