UDK 631.1 Организация и управление сельскохозяйственным производством
The article presents the results of studies of sanitary protection zones of industrial facilities, as well as an analysis of lands in municipal undivided ownership. The scientific work examines objects of cadastral activity using the city of Chelyabinsk as an example. Sanitary protection zones (SPZ) are territories established in relation to enterprises and industries that are sources of chemical, physical and biological impact on the environment and human health. For example, the territory around a plant or electrometallurgical plant, which is most susceptible to negative impacts. Thus, the establishment of SPZ fundamentally affects the management of land resources within its boundaries, since within the boundaries of SPZ it is prohibited to place residential buildings, recreational areas, sites, health institutions, gardening associations, cottage villages, sports facilities, playgrounds, educational institutions. In practice, these objects are often found within the SPZ. In order to simplify the process of providing land plots to preferential categories of citizens, a spatial analysis method was developed.
sanitary protection zones, privileged categories of citizens, industrial enterprises, land plots, geographic information systems, hazard classes
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