Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the key parameters and principles of technological management systems in the oil and gas sector, with an emphasis on a comparative analysis of the approaches of Russian and foreign companies. In the context of global competition and technological changes, effective technology management is becoming one of the strategic factors for improving the competitiveness and sustainable development of companies. The study reveals the specifics of the implementation of technological management depending on national and corporate characteristics, including aspects of innovation management, optimization of production processes, environmental sustainability and safety. The author analyzes the main indicators such as the level of digitalization, the introduction of innovative solutions, approaches to risk management, investments in R&D and personnel used by leading industry players. The author examines general trends and barriers, and also offers recommendations for improving the efficiency of technological management in the Russian oil and gas sector based on the best practices of foreign companies.

technology management, oil and gas industry, innovation, technology management, digitalization, risk management, sustainable development, investments in technology
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