Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the results of research conducted at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Central Scientific Agricultural Library” on the transition to a new modern ILS. It is noted that despite the fact that the functioning the developed in the CSAL ILS provided all technological processes, a need, dictated by its functional depreciation, breaking software products into separate technological processes, inability to support them due to lack of documentation became urgent to replace it. It is indicated that after studying the Russian market of automated systems, the OPAC-Global ILS, meeting modern requirements: an integrated library system covering all the main functions of a library with multimillion stocks and tasks for information support to scientific research was selected. The transition to the new AIS began with loading information resources into it: an electronic catalog of books, an electronic catalog of articles, a catalog of journals, databases of own generation. At the same time, the main task was to preserve information, it was impossible to allow an information loss or deformation. The adaptation of the ILS to the CSAL technological processes was carried out in modules and began with the scientific processing of documents (cataloguing module).The technological processing process did not stop, the adaptation was carried out without stopping the current process, and employees were trained online, on specific documents. The adaptation of the technology for forming information retrieval languages (the Authority File module) in the new ILS was particularly difficult. The work carried out allows for comprehensive control of records for compliance with the requirements of the RUSMARC/Authority format, batch loading/unloading of records, organization of all types of links between authority data, merging records by selected fields. So, the main OPAC-Global modules have been transferred and adapted to the CNSHB technology. Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to adapt the technology of forming current publications (bibliographic indices and abstract journals), which has limited the possibilities of informing users.

libraries, automation, library technologies, automated systems, information resources, information services, CSAL
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