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Abstract (English):
The article indicates that Germany and France have been the locomotives of European integration for a long time. The socio-economic development of France was determined, among other factors, by the continuing unequal economic relations with its former African colonies. The CFA franc, which is actually a colonial currency, is still in circulation on the territory of Western and Equatorial Africa. It was imposed on the African states dependent on France. The management system of such African countries is commonly called Francafrica. In addition, the French military contingents on the continent ensure the political dependence of African countries on Paris. It was revealed that the crisis of European integration, not least due to anti-Russian sanctions, had a negative impact on economic development of France and its influence on Africa. African countries, which have been oriented towards Paris for a long time, have begun active cooperation with Russia and China, as well as with other BRICS countries and the Global South. This calls into question the continued existence of the Francafrica and the CFA franc in its former form. Therefore, the article concludes that in the long term, France's influence in African countries will decrease.

European integration, France, Francafrica, defense sector, foreign trade relations
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