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Abstract (English):
It is noted that in the context of digitalization of reclamation agriculture, the task of obtaining up-to-date reliable initial data on the state of crops in order to predict yields and assess the effectiveness of measures is acute. At the same time, difficulties arise in the prompt establishment of the timing of the onset of phenological phases and the corresponding NDVI values of the stage of culture development at which the most favorable conditions for the formation of yields are observed. The objective of this study was to analyze the results of assessment of NDVI vegetation index values from remote sensing Earth and in situ ground monitoring for winter wheat crops. General patterns of dynamics of NDVI values for winter wheat obtained from Landsat 8 satellite monitoring data and in situ conditions were revealed. Minimum values in all cases were recorded for bare soil and seedlings. Then NDVI gradually grows and reaches its maximum values in the phase of ringing and flowering (0.43 for the sample > 5%, 0.35 for Landsat 8 and in situ). The obtained values can be used to predict winter wheat yield.

remote sensing, vegetation index, winter wheat, monitoring, NDVI, Landsat 8
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