Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the authors consider the place and role of education in the socio-economic system of the Russian Federation. The economic growth of the country is in direct connection with the accumulation of human capital. Education is one of the most developing spheres of human activity, due to which the preservation and multiplication of the country's natural resources, as well as economic and cultural development are ensured. The authors present a survey of respondents about professional choice. The article provides an analytical review of the indicators, due to which the socio-economic development of the Nizhny Novgorod region is ensured. The purpose of the study of the role of education in the socio-economic system is to examine the socio-economic barriers to adaptation in the labor market and to develop proposals focused on increasing the socio-economic efficiency of education. Research objectives: to establish the place and role of education in the national economy of the country; to analyze the key principles and statements of processes and phenomena that have developed in the economy and education; to develop recommendations to increase the efficiency of educational organizations, as well as to increase the quality of educational services. In an educated society intensive rates of economic growth are realized, as a result the country gets a significant educational potential. The transition to a new role of human capital will cause the most important transformations in the developed educational system. Education is the most important component that increases the efficiency of the country's human capital potential. The authors of the article determine the need to improve and increase the quality of education in the country, as educated people, literate and qualified specialists are invariably needed in every field of activity, in every social structure.

education, educational organization, innovative entrepreneurship, business, employer
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