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Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the analysis of changes in the sphere of control over the condition and use of federal real estate. The article presents the results of the analysis of normative legal acts regulating the specified field of activity, and the article also discusses the principle of operation of electronic resources used in the implementation of control measures. The regulation of the process of control measures is carried out in order to: timely identify the unsatisfactory condition and use of facilities; update information about real estate; minimize the number of real estate objects not involved in the economic turnover; timely detection, suppression and prevention of violations in relation to real estate. The main purpose of this article is to identify and disclose key areas in the field of monitoring the condition and use of federal real estate. In the course of the research, the following tasks were solved: the activities of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in this field of activity were analyzed; a number of problems in the field of accounting for federal real estate were identified, a number of problems in the field of monitoring the condition and use of federal real estate were identified; possible solutions within the framework of existing problems are proposed. The arguments indicated in the article make it possible to assess the effectiveness of conducting control measures, identify and minimize possible risks of irrational use in relation to federal real estate. It is concluded that the deadlines for execution are reduced and the effectiveness of control measures is increased in the implementation and protection of the property interests of the Russian Federation.

Federal Property Management Agency, register of federal property, accounting of federal real estate, control of the condition and use of federal real estate, updating information about federal real estate, systematization of information, minimizing harmful factors, improving the quality of control measures, protection of property interests of the Russian Federation
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