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Abstract (English):
The article considers changes in the development of agricultural production in the Siberian Federal District at the municipal level for the period 2014 - 2022. The main emphasis is placed on identifying municipal entities-leaders in agricultural production, as well as in various categories of farms, such as agricultural organizations, household farms, peasant (farmer) farms and individual entrepreneurs. The leading municipal formations account for three percent of the total number of territories and concentrate almost one fifth of Siberia's agricultural production. The group of agricultural production centers during the period under review proved to be more stable compared to the groups of agricultural production centers of agricultural organizations and peasant (farmer) farms, where the composition changed by half and increased. Three types of leading municipalities have been identified, differing in their employment structure: agricultural, agro-industrial and multi-sectoral. Almost half of the leading Siberian districts are diversified. The existing combination of agricultural producers and their specialization in the territory of leading municipalities is shown. It is noted that in the leading municipalities, due to the fact that the largest number of large agricultural companies are concentrated, a significant part of investment projects in the agricultural sector is being implemented. It is concluded that the macroregion continues to show the economic concentration characteristic of the all-Russian trend in areas with better competitive opportunities. These are mainly suburban and semi-suburban areas, which are centers of agricultural production.

Siberian Federal District, municipalities, agricultural production, categories of farms, concentration, centers, crop production, livestock products
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