UDK 631.164.25 Стоимость земли. Цены на землю
UDK 332.3 Землепользование
UDK 63 Сельское хозяйство. Лесное хозяйство. Охота. Рыбное хозяйство
The article examines the methodology for the formation of cadastral registration objects in order to involve new land plots in agricultural circulation in the Foothill Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory for three years, and also describes in detail the factors that impede the integration of unused land into economic circulation, and adds theoretical provisions for organizing an inventory of various categories of land on the example of agricultural land. Underestimating the importance of the land fund for the Russian economy can result in irreparable losses. It is necessary to create an effective system for involving undivided lands in agricultural circulation and ensure that they are registered on the state cadastral register both on the part of a well-functioning mechanism of action and on the part of ensuring a clearly formulated regulatory framework. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, unused agricultural land amounts to 52.2 million hectares, while based on statistics from the Kommersant newspaper, No. 3 (6724) of 11.01.2020, the retired land from active economic turnover is about 44 million hectares and 20 million hectares of them - arable land. By comparison, these lands cover an area larger than the combined area of 75% of European countries. Russia has 9% of the world's agricultural land, arable land per capita (0.81 hectares) is in the top five countries and more than three times the world average. At the same time, the area of agricultural land is noticeably reduced annually. This trend has been observed for more than 20 years [6]. The object of the study is undivided land of the category of agricultural land of the Foothill Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory.
involvement in circulation, agricultural land, cadastral registration objects, land plots, land inventory
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