Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the period from 1993 to the present day, agriculture in Russia was characterized by unstable and even depressive development, which was accompanied by a lack of rural development, which occurred against the background of ongoing negative trends in both the social and economic spheres. These trends manifested themselves in a decrease in the number of agricultural enterprises, which led to a decrease in the quality and standard of living of the rural population, deterioration of the social and transport infrastructure, optimization of municipalities in terms of their enlargement. The highlighted consequences as a result of the influence of negative factors require drastic measures to prevent further collapse of rural areas, which in turn required the activation of management decisions regarding the formation of rural agglomerations and the identification of factors ensuring their sustainable economic development. Objective: The complexity and versatility of the topic under study is reflected in the goal set – to analyze the factors determining the economic growth of rural agglomerations. Methods: in achieving the goal, scientific methods were used: analytical, methods of theoretical and empirical knowledge; economic and statistical methods; methods of analysis and synthesis. Results: having studied the scientific views of modern authors on the identification of factors and analyzed their impact on the level of development of agglomerations, the article reveals the key ones and assesses the impact of these factors on the level of economic growth of rural agglomerations. Conclusion: the implementation of a positive synergistic effect of the impact of factors will allow achieving economic growth of agglomerations in rural areas.

rural areas, rural agglomerations, factors, economic growth, analysis, socio-economic development, synergetic effect
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