Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses current theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of government regulation of development. The qualitative characteristics of each approach and the degree of reliability of their results are determined. It is reasonable that the protected soil industry is a promising area within the framework of the state task to increase the level of provision of the population with vegetable products in the Central Asian Republic. A methodologically appropriate approach to determining the effectiveness of state regulation of vegetable production development using the production function has been chosen and its author's view based on the Cobb-Douglas model has been compiled. It has been established that specialized vegetable-growing enterprises are the object of reliable efficiency assessment in the Central Asian Republic. The proposed approach has been successfully tested. Conclusions have been drawn that have allowed us to establish an empirical basis for determining the effectiveness of state support at different levels of economic activity activities for the strategy of state regulation of the development of protected soil vegetable growing.

assessment of the effectiveness of state support, development of vegetable growing, provision of vegetables to the population, protected soil vegetable growing, Cobb-Douglas production function
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