Russian Federation
UDK 339.97 Международная, национальная и многонациональная экономическая политика. Планирование, планы, управление экономикой
UDK 332.146.2 Ускорение регионального, территориального экономического развития
The article reveals the specifics of the legislative framework of France, which considers the development of innovations in the country. In addition to certain laws that directly or indirectly regulate the activities of companies in the field of innovation, the authors note the importance of the provisions of the French Scientific and Technological Development Strategy. In the named Strategy the main focus is made on supporting innovation through effective tools to stimulate the innovative development of the national economy. The object of research in the article is the biotechnology sector that is one of the most competitive sectors of the French economy and according to the UNCTAD classification, contains "advanced" and in some cases "breakthrough" technologies. The development of this industry in the Fifth Republic is organized in clusters, contributes to the reindustrialization of the country's territories, increases employment and reduces carbon dioxide emissions. The authors of the article conducted a comparative analysis of participants and funded projects of biotechnological clusters in France in 2024, using the annual cluster reports. Thus, the authors revealed that cluster financing in France occurs at the federal, regional and local levels. Besides the state as the main investor of innovative projects, France apply such an instrument like a system of public-private partnerships, as well as attracting private capital in the form of venture investments. The authors note that, despite its high international competitiveness, the biotechnology industry in France faces certain challenges: difficulties in increasing the level of commercialization of products related to the timing of clinical trials; fact of luring companies with promising projects to other countries; complexity in financing start-ups; dependence on raw materials in biobanks located outside Europe; weak presence in global value chains. The authors propose specific measures to maintain and increase the level of international competitiveness in the field of healthcare biotechnology for the EU in general and France in particular.
France, international competitiveness, biotechnologies, clusters, public-private partnership, venture investment, innovative development
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