UDK 33 Экономика. Народное хозяйство. Экономические науки
The assessment of the investment potential of the North Caucasus is an urgent task in the context of the strategic development of the Russian Federation. The region has unique natural resources, cultural diversity and geographical location, which creates the basis for the development of many industries, including tourism, agro-industrial complex and energy. At the same time, despite significant natural and human resources, the region faces a number of economic and social challenges that may make it difficult to attract investment. The purpose of this study is to assess the investment potential of the North Caucasus. The study of the investment climate in the North Caucasus makes it possible to identify not only existing barriers, but also potential opportunities for investors. Problems such as insufficient infrastructure, social instability, and a lack of qualified personnel require attention from both government agencies and the private sector. At the same time, investment attractiveness can be improved by creating favorable business conditions, including tax incentives, support for small and medium-sized businesses, and the development of infrastructure improvement programs.
investment potential, investment climate, efficiency, indicators, region, business, regional industries, assessment, strategic development
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