Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Crisis management is an essential component of an organization's strategic development in the face of growing threats and global economic instability. The introduction of digital technologies, strategic flexibility, and the creation of a corporate culture that values adaptation are among the key elements and modern practices that are being taken into account. Since crisis prevention is given special attention, crisis management is not only a reactive, but also a proactive tool. The main problems faced by enterprises during the crisis are considered, including a decrease in demand, an increase in non-payments and an increase in the cost of credit resources. The prospects for crisis management in the Russian Federation are discussed, including the introduction of risk management systems, expert training, and assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises. Organizations can reduce the impact of crises and open up new avenues for development and innovation by using an integrated approach to crisis management.

anti-crisis management, digital technologies, flexibility of strategies, adaptability, risk management, business sustainability
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