Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article describes and summarizes international experience of state regulation of tourism market. Special attention is paid to three basic models of state regulation of tourism market. Formulated recommendations for the development of the tourism market in the Russian Federation. The necessity of studying of the world experience due to the breadth and complexity of activities in the framework of creation of common tourism space, their multidimensional and multi-level nature, peculiarities of participation the state in the regulation of tourism in Russia. Study of international experience in the development of tourism market will reveal the laws of its development and identify some problems which may be encountered in the future the Russian market. Research methods is the analysis of statistical materials, method of synthesis, fundamental analysis and sources of information, economic analysis.

State regulation, the tourism market, the model of the tourism market
In this article describes and summarizes international experience of state regulation of tourism market. Special attention is paid to three basic models of state regulation of tourism market. Formulated recommendations for the development of the tourism market in the Russian Federation. The necessity of studying of the world experience due to the breadth and complexity of activities in the framework of creation of common tourism space, their multidimensional and multi-level nature, peculiarities of participation the state in the regulation of tourism in Russia. Study of international experience in the development of tourism market will reveal the laws of its development and identify some problems which may be encountered in the future the Russian market. Research methods is the analysis of statistical materials, method of synthesis, fundamental analysis and sources of information, economic analysis.

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