Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objectives of research: to found that for providing an efficient management of the river craft after the nationalization it was necessary to create an administrative machinery, capable not only to coordinate river craft activities but also to ensure the execution of troop supporting missions; to determine priority areas of governmental authorities as part of the state general strategy for efficient use of water ways; to prove the need of establishment and development of water transport regional and local divisions. A proper management structure lays the foundation of making economically justified decisions that provide increasing of cargo and passenger traffic in such a key area as Volga region (Privolzhsky). It has been proved the necessity of structurally effective river craft management system enabling transportation infrastructure governance. It has been revealed and analyzed the main problems related to the river craft management sistem implementation - practice which has no equals anywhere in the world.

nationalized river craft, river transport, personnel problem, management, government authorities, water-ways, region
Objectives of research: to found that for providing an efficient management of the river craft after the nationalization it was necessary to create an administrative machinery, capable not only to coordinate river craft activities but also to ensure the execution of troop supporting missions; to determine priority areas of governmental authorities as part of the state general strategy for efficient use of water ways; to prove the need of establishment and development of water transport regional and local divisions. A proper management structure lays the foundation of making economically justified decisions that provide increasing of cargo and passenger traffic in such a key area as Volga region (Privolzhsky). It has been proved the necessity of structurally effective river craft management system enabling transportation infrastructure governance. It has been revealed and analyzed the main problems related to the river craft management sistem implementation - practice which has no equals anywhere in the world.

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