In article the principles of marketing management, a marketing complex as the main instrument of achievement of the marketing purposes of the enterprise are considered. Marketing is not just a set of methods on advance of goods, and market philosophy, strategy, tactics of thinking and action of all subjects of the market relations. The marketing philosophy is realized through technology of marketing. which includes six stages: the first - research of the market; the second - forecasting, a goal-setting and planning of marketing activity; the third - the organization of system of marketing; the fourth - the analysis, control and rationalization of process of marketing, the fifth - coordination and regulation of process of marketing. The finishing technological stage of process of marketing is the assessment of marketing activity and definition of prospects of her improvement. On the example of research of the market use of special flowcharts, that is marketing process formalization is shown that allows to define marketing strategy of the enterprise.
marketing management, marketing philosophy, marketing complex, marketing technologies, marketing strategy
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