Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article assessed the accessibility of banking services in Russian regions. The groups are defined regions of high and low index of providing such services. Examines the factors involved in the calculation of the coverage index of banking services regions. Developed proposals to change the method of calculating the index that gives the opportunity to more accurately assess the degree of coverage of the regions Bank services.

degree of saturation, the coverage index of banking services, availability of banking services, region, banking
The article assessed the accessibility of banking services in Russian regions. The groups are defined regions of high and low index of providing such services. Examines the factors involved in the calculation of the coverage index of banking services regions. Developed proposals to change the method of calculating the index that gives the opportunity to more accurately assess the degree of coverage of the regions Bank services.

1. O likvidacii kreditnyh organizaciy (po sostoyaniyu na 01.01.2015) [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.cbr.ru/credit/likvidbase/information_01012015.pdf (data obrascheniya: 26.05.2016 g.).

2. Otchety o razvitii bankovskogo sektora i bankovskogo nadzora za 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 gg. Central'nyy bank Rossiyskoy Federacii [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2006.pdf (data obrascheniya: 25.05.2016 g.). http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2007.pdf http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2008.pdf http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2009.pdf http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2010.pdf http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2011.pdf http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2012.pdf http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2013.pdf http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2014.pdf http://www.cbr.ru/publ/God/ar_2015.pdf.

3. Pis'mo Banka Rossii ot 07.08.2006 № 106-T «O Rekomendaciyah po provedeniyu analiza deyatel'nosti kreditnyh organizaciy i razvitiya bankovskih uslug v regione» [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_79242/ (data obrascheniya: 24.05.2016 g.).

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