Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers existing approaches to the definition of «marketing the region». The main reasons for the comprehensive marketing of the region, defined the essence of regional marketing, as well as the benefits and goals of the marketing approach in regional development. Determined the significance of marketing infrastructure in the framework of the concept of marketing in the region. Formulated the author's approach to the definition of «marketing infrastructure». The article examines the use of mechanisms of regional marketing in enhancing the effectiveness of functioning and development of an infrastructure complex of the regions of the country.

infrastructure, marketing, marketing approach, the marketing of the region, region, socio-economic development
The article considers existing approaches to the definition of «marketing the region». The main reasons for the comprehensive marketing of the region, defined the essence of regional marketing, as well as the benefits and goals of the marketing approach in regional development. Determined the significance of marketing infrastructure in the framework of the concept of marketing in the region. Formulated the author's approach to the definition of «marketing infrastructure». The article examines the use of mechanisms of regional marketing in enhancing the effectiveness of functioning and development of an infrastructure complex of the regions of the country.

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