Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The new directions and various training methods of personnel in the modern companies are considered: andragogika of development; use of representative systems in training and programs for talent management in the organization. Main objectives and problems in training process are allocated, own classification of methods is offered, benefits and shortcomings of innovative and traditional training methods are revealed. The matrix of personnel training, classification of forms of the organization of training is constituted, examples of use of various methods in the domestic and foreign companies are given.

training, teaching methods, training needs, innovative methods, traditional methods, corporate training, pedagogy, andragogy, representational systems, talent management
The new directions and various training methods of personnel in the modern companies are considered: andragogika of development; use of representative systems in training and programs for talent management in the organization. Main objectives and problems in training process are allocated, own classification of methods is offered, benefits and shortcomings of innovative and traditional training methods are revealed. The matrix of personnel training, classification of forms of the organization of training is constituted, examples of use of various methods in the domestic and foreign companies are given.

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