Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article the situation which has developed in agrarian sector in the conditions of external restrictions where numerous conclusions of the leading scientists that the problem of replacement of import food with domestic which has arisen today cannot be solved find confirmation is considered it is momentary. It is shown that the agrarian policy pursued in recent years connects economic growth in agricultural sector with resources of financial and credit institutes, increase of financial stability of producers, optimization of solvency and increase of liquidity of their assets become the main criteria of the operating state regulation machinery of agrarian economy. The conclusion that because of bad credit history, debt load, a low capability to serve a lending capital is drawn many producers of agricultural products cannot use resources of banks, and, therefore, are deprived of access to considerable part of budgetary appropriations that in turn does not solve a problem of decrease in risk of insolvency in agrarian business. In research data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Penza region and methods of the financial and economic analysis and an empirical assessment which witness about certain risks of violation of solvency, loss of financial stability, approach of insolvency agrarian business of structures are used. Cardinal transformations in agro-industrial sector, it is necessary to direct to change of structure of the fixed business assets, building-up of amounts of current assets, upgrade of production capacities of agricultural enterprises, involvement of agrarian resources of the majority of farms. Finally, will promote on the one hand, to creation of conditions of effective development of production of agricultural products, on the other hand will lead to increase of indicators of liquidity and decrease in financial risks.

food independence, financial stability, agrarian business, risk of a default, assessment of probability of bankruptcy, insolvency model
In article the situation which has developed in agrarian sector in the conditions of external restrictions where numerous conclusions of the leading scientists that the problem of replacement of import food with domestic which has arisen today cannot be solved find confirmation is considered it is momentary. It is shown that the agrarian policy pursued in recent years connects economic growth in agricultural sector with resources of financial and credit institutes, increase of financial stability of producers, optimization of solvency and increase of liquidity of their assets become the main criteria of the operating state regulation machinery of agrarian economy. The conclusion that because of bad credit history, debt load, a low capability to serve a lending capital is drawn many producers of agricultural products cannot use resources of banks, and, therefore, are deprived of access to considerable part of budgetary appropriations that in turn does not solve a problem of decrease in risk of insolvency in agrarian business. In research data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Penza region and methods of the financial and economic analysis and an empirical assessment which witness about certain risks of violation of solvency, loss of financial stability, approach of insolvency agrarian business of structures are used. Cardinal transformations in agro-industrial sector, it is necessary to direct to change of structure of the fixed business assets, building-up of amounts of current assets, upgrade of production capacities of agricultural enterprises, involvement of agrarian resources of the majority of farms. Finally, will promote on the one hand, to creation of conditions of effective development of production of agricultural products, on the other hand will lead to increase of indicators of liquidity and decrease in financial risks.

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14. Postanovlenie Pravitelstva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 yanvarya 2003 g. № 52 «O realizacii Federalnogo zakona «O finansovom ozdorovlenii selskoxozyajstvennyx tovaroproizvoditelej».

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16. Samygin D.Yu., Baryshnikov N.G. Scenarios of Agricultural Business Development in Penza Oblast: Forecast and Risk Estimate // Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2015. Vol. 26. № 1. pp. 59-62. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1134/S1075700715010037

17. Altuxov A.I., Drokin V.V., Zhuravlev A.S. Prodovolstvennaya bezopasnost i importozameshhenie - osnovnye strategicheskie zadachi sovremennoj agrarnoj politiki // Ekonomika regiona. 2015. № 3. S. 256-266, doihttps://doi.org/10.17059/2015-3-21

18. Baryshnikov N.G., Samygin D.Yu. Analitika gosudarstvennoj podderzhki dostizheniya finansovoj ustojchivosti selskogo xozyajstva regiona // Audit i finansovyj analiz. 2013. № 4. S. 294-301.

19. Baryshnikov N.G., Samygin D.Yu. Upravlenie platezhesposobnostyu v selskom xozyajstve: ekonomiko-statisticheskij aspekt (na primere Penzenskoj oblasti) // Voprosy statistiki. 2015. № 1. S. 65-76.

20. Bespaxotnyj G.V. Zadachi gosudarstvennogo planirovaniya APK i metody ix resheniya // Ekonomika selskogo xozyajstva Rossii. 2015. № 5. S. 2-7.

21. Buzdalov I. Perekachka kak otrazhenie socialno-ekonomicheskoj ushherbnosti agrarnoj politiki // Voprosy ekonomiki. 2009. № 10. S. 121-130.

22. Samygin D.Yu., Baryshnikov N.G., Isaev E.V. Ocenka ekonomicheskoj dobavlennoj stoimosti selskogo xozyajstva Penzenskoj oblasti // Modeli, sistemy, seti v ekonomike, texnike, prirode i obshhestve. 2013. № 3 (7). S. 79-85.

23. Samygin D.Yu., Tuskov A.A., Trofimenko G.V. Regionalnye aspekty gosudarstvennoj podderzhki fermerskix xozyajstv // Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Novaya seriya. Seriya «Ekonomika. Upravlenie. Pravo». 2013. № 3 (2). S. 36-46.

24. Samygin D.Yu., Baryshnikov N.G. Rol proektnogo upravleniya v preobrazovanii agrarnoj politiki Rossii // Modeli, sistemy, seti v ekonomike, texnike, prirode i obshhestve. 2015. № 3 (15). C. 71-80.

25. Tarasov V.I., Glotova I.S. Vzaimosvyaz socialno-ekonomicheskix kategorij «prodovolstvennaya bezopasnost» i «prodovolstvennaya nezavisimost» gosudarstv v usloviyax regionalnoj integracii // Ekonomika selskoxozyajstvennyx i pererabatyvayushhix predpriyatij. 2015. № 2. S. 50-54.

26. Ushachev I.G. Socialno-ekonomicheskie issledovaniya v agrarnom sektore ekonomiki Rossii: osnovnye napravleniya // Ekonomika selskoxozyajstvennyx i pererabatyvayushhix predpriyatij. 2014. № 4. S. 5-9.

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