The article deals with the situation in the implementation of long-term housing-targeted programs in the management of the land. The main purpose of this study is to improve the mechanism of long-term target-oriented program aimed at providing the population available (in terms of cost and conditions) and comfortable (in terms of living conditions) housing, that will be possible, according to the author, only using municipal land management mechanism as the basis of a single property. To achieve the goal set and solved the following tasks: reviewed the list of long-term target programs adopted in the territory of the Federation, which are based on land management mechanism and the main purpose is to provide housing for the needy citizens; selection from the list of programs, most obviously contains a mechanism involving municipal land in the program activities; analysis of the existing mechanism for implementing the program; improvement program mechanism so that the shelter was available to citizens and meets the requirements of comfort, i.e. price per square meter of housing should not exceed the limits set by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. The article analyzes the existing mechanism for implementing long-term measures, the target program of the Arkhangelsk Region «Revitalization of individual housing construction in the Arkhangelsk region» for 2009-2014», identified the existing shortcomings and provides an improved mechanism for more effective management of the land. In particular, supplemented by criteria for the selection of land for the purpose of implementation of program activities, as well as in the scheme of the program introduced an integrated developer, responsible for organizing the construction and provision of infrastructure land.
land, housing, municipal management, long-term targeted programs, municipal land
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