Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article raises the problem of the specific kinds of corruption as the content in the staffing of the «extra» employees in educational institutions. The author analyzes the staffing of preschool educational organizations which are included in educational facilities (school + kindergarten). This analysis reveals government budget educational institutions, where there are extra staff positions. According to the author’s opinion, there is a need for widely involving ordinary teachers (in fact, as a result, if the payroll is spent on the maintenance of unhelpful staff, they receive less bonuses and allowances) to combat with the presence in government budget educational institutions employees whose functioning has no positive impact on the number and the quality of the educational institution services.

corruption, educational institution, teacher, staff unit, staffing
This article raises the problem of the specific kinds of corruption as the content in the staffing of the «extra» employees in educational institutions. The author analyzes the staffing of preschool educational organizations which are included in educational facilities (school + kindergarten). This analysis reveals government budget educational institutions, where there are extra staff positions. According to the author’s opinion, there is a need for widely involving ordinary teachers (in fact, as a result, if the payroll is spent on the maintenance of unhelpful staff, they receive less bonuses and allowances) to combat with the presence in government budget educational institutions employees whose functioning has no positive impact on the number and the quality of the educational institution services.

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