Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Having examined the legal and regulatory framework of the psychologist working in an educational institution, the author, in this paper, focuses on possible violations that are been doing by psychologists working with preschoolers. The author expresses his reasoned opinion that the position of the psychologist should not be in the state preschool educational institution, because a psychologist in preschool activities may adversely affect future adult life of its wards.

psychologist, preschooler, preschool educational institution, staffing
Having examined the legal and regulatory framework of the psychologist working in an educational institution, the author, in this paper, focuses on possible violations that are been doing by psychologists working with preschoolers. The author expresses his reasoned opinion that the position of the psychologist should not be in the state preschool educational institution, because a psychologist in preschool activities may adversely affect future adult life of its wards.

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