Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the features of forming the system of personnel motivation in the accepting company of tour operator are considered. Authors conduct the survey of employees of the company following the results of which real suggestions for improvement of system of motivation become. Special attention is paid to non-material motivation that in difficult economic conditions does implementation of the offered system of motivation easier for a management of the company. Proposed measures will promote reducing routine of personnel and increase in prestigiousness of the company.

tourism, motivation, tour operator company
In this article the features of forming the system of personnel motivation in the accepting company of tour operator are considered. Authors conduct the survey of employees of the company following the results of which real suggestions for improvement of system of motivation become. Special attention is paid to non-material motivation that in difficult economic conditions does implementation of the offered system of motivation easier for a management of the company. Proposed measures will promote reducing routine of personnel and increase in prestigiousness of the company.

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