Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to an urgent question in a modern economic situation, about depersonalization of institute of social partnership, to decrease in its social efficiency and appeal in the opinion of different social groups and representatives of society in general. Social partnership acts as a subject of the analysis. Authors set as the purpose to carry out the analysis of the main problem of development of institute of social partnership in modern Russian society which essence is the correct structuring in hierarchy of this phenomenon of absolute values of human life and functional values of the liberal institutional theory. The basis of a research is formed hermeneutic, phenomenological also by analytical methods. Results of work are that the modern system of social partnership is only a transitional phase from one form of a collectivism to another, but not the next form of such collectivism. Results of a research can be applied in the sphere of socially philosophical analyses of society.

social partnership, society, social institute, public administration, personality, self-determination, mankind, social technologies
Article is devoted to an urgent question in a modern economic situation, about depersonalization of institute of social partnership, to decrease in its social efficiency and appeal in the opinion of different social groups and representatives of society in general. Social partnership acts as a subject of the analysis. Authors set as the purpose to carry out the analysis of the main problem of development of institute of social partnership in modern Russian society which essence is the correct structuring in hierarchy of this phenomenon of absolute values of human life and functional values of the liberal institutional theory. The basis of a research is formed hermeneutic, phenomenological also by analytical methods. Results of work are that the modern system of social partnership is only a transitional phase from one form of a collectivism to another, but not the next form of such collectivism. Results of a research can be applied in the sphere of socially philosophical analyses of society.

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